Supported Environments
OyenCov's gem is currently under active development. We try to meet the needs of 99% of our customers.
If you are interested in using OyenCov but found some issues and incompatibilities, please report to us. We will assess and decide on supporting your applications.
Ruby Versions
Currently we support MRI/CRuby versions >= 2.7.
All other Ruby implementations are not tested and supported, including JRuby, MRuby.
Frameworks Supported & Tested on
- Ruby on Rails
- 5.x.x
- 6.x.x
- 7.x.x
- 8.x.x
- Sinatra
- Hanami
Web Servers Supported
- Puma
- WEBrick
- Passenger
- Thin
- Unicorn -- Development halted in 2021, its usage discouraged by authors.
- Rainbows! -- Last release in 2020
Background Job Processors
We are able to track all modules, classes, methods just fine, that includes all the AnyJob#perform
Are we missing out something you use?
If you are using certain things that we have left out, please let us know!